
日期: 2002-02-17 14:00 | 联系我
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#include <mapi.h> #include "imapi.h" void CBugReport::OnOK() { CIMapi mail; mail.To("UltraMaroon@email.msn.com"); // Set recipient name mail.To("someoneelse@somewhereelse.com"); // Second recipient mail.Cc("cc@cc.com"); // CC recipient // Identify sender (not strictly necessary since MAPI will fill this in for you) mail.From("user@somewhere.com"); mail.Subject("Test Email"); // Subject of this email mail.Attach("somefilename"); // Attaching a file // Attach another file but give it a different name inside the email itself mail.Attach("someotherfile", "different_name_for_recipient"); // Put text of message in body mail.Text("Body text for this email"); // Set body text mail.Send(); // Now send the mail! CDialog::OnOK(); }

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程序员小辉 建站于 1997
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