** @xiaohui 发表 ** * [中英教程: 如何创建一个 steemit 帐号? / How to create a steemit account?](https://steemit.com/cn/@xiaohui/steemit-how-to-create-a-steemit-account) * [中英教程: 如何在 Steemit 点赞 或 踩贴 / How to upvote or downvote on Steemit](https://steemit.com/cn/@xiaohui/steemit-how-to-upvote-or-downvote-on-steemit) * [欢迎加入 Steemit 微信群 / Welcome to Steemit WeiXin Chat Group](https://steemit.com/cn/@xiaohui/steemit-how-to-upvote-or-downvote-on-steemit) * [欢迎加入 Steemit QQ 群 434624757 / Welcome to Steemit QQ Chat Group 434624757](https://steemit.com/cn/@xiaohui/steemit-qq-434624757-welcome-to-steemit-qq-chat-group-434624757)
** @laonie 发表 ** * [新手提问专用贴 FAQ for Chinese Newbie -1](https://steemit.com/cn/@laonie/y8nkv) * [新手提问专用贴 FAQ for Chinese Newbie -2](https://steemit.com/steem/@laonie/steem)