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评论中心 - 当前页 349

@@deanliu 于 2016-10-17 15:36(8 年以前) 发表:
回复 @happyukgo:
I'll let him know. Don't leave.

@@doitvoluntarily 于 2016-10-17 20:01(8 年以前) 发表:
on the up!

XiaoHui 于 2016-10-17 23:22(8 年以前) 发表:
回复 @ausbitbank:
Hi, I am sorry for this problem. I have noticed this bug and will fix it.

@@ausbitbank 于 2016-10-17 23:43(8 年以前) 发表:
回复 @xiaohui:
Thanks :)

@@nevermined 于 2016-10-20 14:16(8 年以前) 发表:

@@deanliu 于 2016-10-29 13:59(8 年以前) 发表:
welcome back! see how your report helps stabilize the steem price!? :-)

XiaoHui 于 2016-10-29 15:24(8 年以前) 发表:
回复 @deanliu:

XiaoHui 于 2016-10-29 15:26(8 年以前) 发表:
回复 @nevermined:
看一下 @somebody 组织翻译的中文白皮书 ,基本概念就都清楚了。

XiaoHui 于 2016-10-29 15:27(8 年以前) 发表:
回复 @ausbitbank:
I am back. :-)
Check here: https://steemit.com/stats/@xiaohui/steem-exchange-transfer-daily-report-by-xiaohui-20161029

@@cheetah 于 2016-10-30 20:40(8 年以前) 发表:
Hi! I am a content-detection robot. I found similar content by the same author:

@@dajohns1420 于 2016-10-31 03:14(8 年以前) 发表:
More coming in than leaving?! Hope this continues!

小小白 于 2016-10-31 14:14(8 年以前) 发表:
你好,看了你的安全配置,真是获益匪浅,前几天弄的一个google云,ip只用了一天就被封了,这样安全设置过后会不会好点呢?修改服务器端口那里不是很懂,本人小白,希望帮我解释一下。就是ssh_config和sshd_config文件打开后,Port 22前边都有个#,我记得这个#号是注释的意思,为什么这个注释了我还能通过22端口登陆,我现在新加端口的话要不要给前边加#好。哦再顺便问一下,如何关闭icmp端口?谢谢,盼回复。
XiaoHui 回复于 2016-11-02 20:31:
注释了之后,你要重启一下 ssh 的服务。

@@doitvoluntarily 于 2016-10-31 20:29(8 年以前) 发表:
it's growing!
thanks for stats !

@@cryptomental 于 2016-10-31 20:52(8 年以前) 发表:
回复 @doitvoluntarily:
Did you mean: uncertainty is growing? ;-)

@@simonjay 于 2016-11-01 20:42(8 年以前) 发表:
Interesting report seems like we have more new users but less and less active ones atm, thanks upvoted.

@@acidyo 于 2016-11-01 20:57(8 年以前) 发表:
Even though new registrations are low now, I am sure its because of the change in sign up. Now its safer to say that the signups are mostly real users and people though since its harder to create multiple accounts as easy as it was before.

@@future24 于 2016-11-02 03:22(8 年以前) 发表:
Thanks for the update @xiaohui

@@majianningmo 于 2016-11-02 10:56(8 年以前) 发表:
XiaoHui 回复于 2016-11-02 20:32:

@@majianningmo 于 2016-11-02 11:11(8 年以前) 发表:

@@cheetah 于 2016-11-02 19:57(8 年以前) 发表:
Hi! I am a content-detection robot. I found similar content by the same author:

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