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评论中心 - 当前页 353

@@myfirst 于 2016-11-24 10:51(7 年以前) 发表:
我想说:猪头,哪去了,才冒泡 :)

XiaoHui 于 2016-11-24 12:58(7 年以前) 发表:
回复 @myfirst:
新吸刀机上线。 :-)

@@royalmacro 于 2016-11-24 13:26(7 年以前) 发表:
nice stats. upvoted :D

@@myfirst 于 2016-11-24 19:43(7 年以前) 发表:
刚刚仔细看下,写得真好,顶 :)

@@myfirst 于 2016-11-24 19:44(7 年以前) 发表:
回复 @xiaohui:

@@ianstrat 于 2016-11-25 16:32(7 年以前) 发表:
Upvoted. Once again great information

@@royalmacro 于 2016-11-26 14:53(7 年以前) 发表:
nice stats ........ upvoted :)

@@goldmatters 于 2016-11-27 12:58(7 年以前) 发表:

@@ardina 于 2016-11-27 13:37(7 年以前) 发表:
mycket bra

@@sandra16 于 2016-11-27 14:12(7 年以前) 发表:
@xiaohui Followed and upvoted!
I'm new to Steemit visit my post, upvoted and follow me @Sandra16

@@sandra16 于 2016-11-27 14:13(7 年以前) 发表:
回复 @goldmatters:
@goldmatters Followed and upvoted!
I'm new to Steemit visit my post, upvoted and follow me @Sandra16

@@randolphrope 于 2016-11-27 19:41(7 年以前) 发表:
This doesn't show the transfers from wallets or Coinbase directly to Steem.it.
Example. I send BTC from Coinbase to Steem.it. Correct me if I'm wrong in thinking that this would change the numbers greatly.

@@stephenkendal 于 2016-11-29 15:28(7 年以前) 发表:
Another great set of stats. Thanks for sharing. Upvoted and shared on [Twitter✔](https://twitter.com/StephenPKendal) for my followers to read. Stephen


@@demotruk 于 2016-11-29 18:59(7 年以前) 发表:
Only just discovered these reports, great stuff, very useful.

@@goldmatters 于 2016-11-30 12:15(7 年以前) 发表:

@@blocktrades 于 2016-11-30 12:49(7 年以前) 发表:
It's may be useful to keep in mind that last week was Thanksgiving weekend in the US, so I would guess posts went down during that time because of people traveling.

第 7056 楼  评论 执诺基亚者说:
大致 于 2016-12-01 12:13(7 年以前) 发表:
XiaoHui 回复于 2016-12-02 14:53:
诺基亚的电池,充一次电,待机 15天,如果你不是电话特别多屏幕常亮,足够用上N年。 :-)

@@steemboost 于 2016-12-01 22:20(7 年以前) 发表:
This is wonderful. More money came in to the system.... People are Powering Up. This is great!

@@stephenkendal 于 2016-12-03 18:48(7 年以前) 发表:
As always another great set of stats. Thanks for sharing. Upvoted as always.

I made a post recently. You may like to see it.

The scalability of Steem and Steemit is simply mind blowing..!!



Thanks again for sharing your blog. Stephen

@@elyaque 于 2016-12-07 19:00(7 年以前) 发表:
Hi, i miss the stats from today :) Do you will provide it?

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