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@@fooblic 于 2016-10-08 05:44(7 年以前) 发表:
回复 @me-tarzan:
Everybody want to know!

@@ben.karlin 于 2016-10-08 22:37(7 年以前) 发表:
Talking user numbers, I have seen great web communities go down, drowning in their sheer numbers.
But 100.000 is not necessarily that much.
7-day-active is a great indication, but its not the full story.

If I were to check the percentage of active users, I would go for the continuity of user activity rather than the last activity as this figure is biased by new users rushing in.

Many people sign in but relatively few stay.

Prove me wrong, but in social media, people either dig their fangs into a system straight away, or they leave it with their accounts idling. Coming back later to something you dropped already? Might happen, but it would seem a rare thing.

So, I would suggest a different indicator to see, how many people stay:
--> last activity minus registration date.
As the newbies are likely to still make up their minds (and hej, I qualify :-)) a threshold of two weeks might seem a good idea.

But this is just a newcomer's idea.
Thanks for your work!

@@simonjay 于 2016-10-08 22:40(7 年以前) 发表:
Really enjoyed this report thanks.

@@stephenkendal 于 2016-10-08 23:06(7 年以前) 发表:
Shared on twitter. Happy to upvote.
Posted this earlier that you may find interesting. It's a projection of 170k STEEMIT User Accounts by year end. Stephen

@@cryptomoney 于 2016-10-09 22:03(7 年以前) 发表:
I am disappointed with this social network I've been testing and found unnecessary restrictions on my account work with cryptocurrency have five blogs faucets roundabout cloudmining news price live do for steemita a few days and I think q be social network for writers guys will lose many users by that 99% of people q use facebook Sharing news of other independent of the true source or not masa guys of estemita think everyone has time to write a book or PA story writing post on sttemita guys like that will be

@@steempowerwhale 于 2016-10-09 22:04(7 年以前) 发表:
Good to see more activity.

@@cryptomoney 于 2016-10-09 22:07(7 年以前) 发表:
To podoer POSTING not Steemit Author has novel and Writer kkkkkkkkkkk

@@simonjay 于 2016-10-09 22:15(7 年以前) 发表:
Today atm also seems quiet or maybe its just me, thanks for the report upvoted.

@@stephenkendal 于 2016-10-10 04:23(7 年以前) 发表:
Another great set of stats. Thanks for sharing. Happy to upvote and share on [Twitter✔](https://twitter.com/StephenPKendal) for my followers to see. Cheers. Stephen

@@fulltimegeek 于 2016-10-10 07:39(7 年以前) 发表:
Woot! My $5 transfer made it on the list! This is how I feel right now:


@@team101 于 2016-10-10 21:44(7 年以前) 发表:
Thanks for your information and hard work!

@@doitvoluntarily 于 2016-10-10 21:58(7 年以前) 发表:
thanks for taking the time to put this data together for us

第 6932 楼  评论 执诺基亚者说:
@@myfirst 于 2016-10-11 11:12(7 年以前) 发表:

第 6933 楼  评论 执诺基亚者说:
XiaoHui 于 2016-10-11 12:06(7 年以前) 发表:
回复 @myfirst:

@@team101 于 2016-10-11 21:47(7 年以前) 发表:
Thanks for the post!

@@future24 于 2016-10-11 21:52(7 年以前) 发表:
Wow, this is great, thanks for sharing!

第 6936 楼  评论 执诺基亚者说:
@@englishtchrivy 于 2016-10-11 23:20(7 年以前) 发表:
@xiaohui the safest phone of them all - no 3rd party, I still have a samsung 2100 and still am using it when travelling very handy and still working thought its already 6 years old.

@@elewarne 于 2016-10-12 00:30(7 年以前) 发表:
I see undre 16 @elewarne you have listed my transfer, unfortunately I can not attribute it to my account because the transfer Id numbers are missing, do you have them by any chance???

@@tee-em 于 2016-10-12 01:44(7 年以前) 发表:
Thank you for the props!

@@me-tarzan 于 2016-10-12 03:36(7 年以前) 发表:

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